Semarang State University (SSU) is the fourth most favorite campus in Indonesia according to Kompas newspaper. SSU is located in Semarang, the capital city of central java, Indonesia. It has eight (8) faculties, they are the faculty of education science, the faulty of social science, the faculty of mathematics and natural science, the faculty of engineering, the faculty of sport science, the faculty of economics, and the faculty of law. The student body is approximately 40.000 students enrolled in those 8 faculties. Beside that SSU is called Conservation Campus in Indonesia. It is the first University that declared itself as Conservation University in Indonesia. The visions of conservation are to make healthy environment and no pollution. Beside natural conservation, there is the cultural conservation. SSU shows to the public about the culture of Indonesia. The students also make some performances like traditional dancing and arts.
Tidak semua yang aku tulis adalah aku, dan berhentilah menerka-nerka, sebab dalam permainan kata, aku bebas menjadi apa dan siapa, karena dalam dunia kata aku adalah sutradaranya, aku adalah dalang pada tiap cerita.