Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb
On Wednesday, September 17th 2014, we watched a video "Success Principles" by Jack Canfield. The video was very interesting. from that video, we can learned about the secret of success. Jack Canfield mentioned 3 Secret of Success; First, Get up early. we know that get up early sometimes is a hard thing for some students because maybe they are doing some assignments until late, or maybe they're hangout with their friends until late. but, actually get up early is very important to us, because in the early morning we've had a new spirit and if we're moslem, we must do subuh prayer, and get up early makes us have a fresh brain. the second is Work hard. to be students we must work hard to doing assignment and never give up. we must take action for our future. "Dream as big as you want, If you can dream it, you can do it." that's the motivation statement. if we want to have a better future, we must take action for our dreams, make it become true. if you want success don't ever afraid to have a dreamhigh. so, don't ever say "I can't do it" because it can weak ourself, but if we say "I can do it" it can make us stronger. the last is Find out. it's important to us as a students to always find out about everything. knowledge is important, in this modern era, all people fight for their dreams with education. as students, we must update about new informations and always find out about everything to have better knowledge.
We can learned a lot from the Secret of Success. from that video, I'll change my life to have a better future, I'll take my action for my dreamhigh and I will say that I can do it, I believe that My dreams will comes true. thank you.
Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb
On Wednesday, September 17th 2014, we watched a video "Success Principles" by Jack Canfield. The video was very interesting. from that video, we can learned about the secret of success. Jack Canfield mentioned 3 Secret of Success; First, Get up early. we know that get up early sometimes is a hard thing for some students because maybe they are doing some assignments until late, or maybe they're hangout with their friends until late. but, actually get up early is very important to us, because in the early morning we've had a new spirit and if we're moslem, we must do subuh prayer, and get up early makes us have a fresh brain. the second is Work hard. to be students we must work hard to doing assignment and never give up. we must take action for our future. "Dream as big as you want, If you can dream it, you can do it." that's the motivation statement. if we want to have a better future, we must take action for our dreams, make it become true. if you want success don't ever afraid to have a dreamhigh. so, don't ever say "I can't do it" because it can weak ourself, but if we say "I can do it" it can make us stronger. the last is Find out. it's important to us as a students to always find out about everything. knowledge is important, in this modern era, all people fight for their dreams with education. as students, we must update about new informations and always find out about everything to have better knowledge.
We can learned a lot from the Secret of Success. from that video, I'll change my life to have a better future, I'll take my action for my dreamhigh and I will say that I can do it, I believe that My dreams will comes true. thank you.
Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb
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