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Global Education Network (GEN)

Article 1

Technology and Global Education; The Present and the Promise
James Veitch and Pi-Kuei Tu; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

New technologies and telecommunications networks have dramatically transformed all facets of life, from medicine to agriculture, entertainment to politics, and economics to service industries (Milken Foundation, 1999). These developments represent a watershed of opportunity. Access to information, and therefore knowledge, is becoming increasingly available to citizens in many countries where access was formerly enjoyed only by a privileged few. They also present challenges in many forms (Hallberg and Bond, 1996).
This paper examines the opportunities and challenges associated with technology in the delivery of education worldwide, with a focus otutorsloping countries. Most observers acknowledge that there are barriers associated with technology acquisition and use, no matter what the intended purpose. The Milken Foundation identifies five criteria that characterize a scenario for technology acquisition, informed use, productive output, and contributions to development. Those considering acquiring new or additional technology should consider these questions as a framework
First, what is it that technology will do for students and educators that is compelling enough to make all the effort worthwhile? (The Incentives)
Second, what is it that communities need in order to make informed decisions and wise use of technology and telecommunications for improvements in learning? (Capacity building)
Third, what is getting in the way of educators and students effectively using technology and how can we fix the system to get rid of these barriers? (System Changing)
Fourth, what is it that we need in order to ensure that all students have the opportunity to learn in a technology-enriched learning environment? (Mandates)
Fifth, how will we know it when we see it? What does success look like in terms of student performance? 
What indicators will we be using? How will the data be collected? What evidence will be analyzed and evaluated against which benchmarks? (Benchmarking) (Milken Foundation, 1998.)

These questions have been developed for western-oriented consumption and represent a conceptual framework for policy-makers as they consider the role of technology in providing educational services to a community of learners.

American public institutions of higher education are also beginning to address means by which to accommodate increasing domestic and worldwide demand for distance education. They are discussing minimum standards for professional education and practice, creation of an open international market for professional services, and enhanced access to professional services (Palin, 1997). Many of California's institutions of higher education offer online courses and other services offered by California colleges and universities. Students may access information about courses and certificate or degree programs offered at a distance by California's leading institutions of higher education (California Distance Education Project, 1999). Students from all over the world are eligible to participate.

Learning (ICDL) is an international center for research, teaching, consulting, information and publishing activities based in the Institute of Educational Technology which received world class rating in the 1992 and 1996 Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) Research.

Assuming that incentives do exist to integrate current technology into a developing country's educational system, there are several practical applications available to the practicing school administrator. Access to education information and best practice research is plentiful. Educators in developing countries face several challenges in access to staff development. Long distance/high cost travel, visa acquisition, and prohibitive professional journal costs present insurmountable difficulties. Technology allows these barriers to be overcome, however.

The Association for the Advancement of International Education maintains a listserv (AAIE, 1999) for the administrations of the 500+ American/international schools throughout the world (ISS, 1999). An administrator in a remote region of the world can post an inquiry that is immediately received by all subscribers, and receive instantaneous responses. 

There are unquestionably endless possibilities associated with technology. These initiatives reflect a political, cultural and economic will on the part of participating institutions and individuals. Where individual students and local populations desire an education, but where governmental or educational institutions are unable or unwilling to provide that service, individual success nonetheless remains possible.

Article 2
Tech For a Global Early Childhood Education

This website was created in hopes of filling a gap in the available resources for educators working with young children and interested in using technology they already have to create global learning experiences in their classrooms. I define global learning experiences as any classroom activities which expose young children to new ways of thinking about the world, their own and others’ cultures, world languages, communities, and families.

Our world is becoming both increasingly diverse and increasingly connected, which means that children will need new skill sets in order to communicate and collaborate and to work and play together. Early childhood classrooms in the United States today often have children who speak many different languages and who are part of numerous different cultures. 

I believe that technology can be instrumental in creating global learning experiences because technology has the power to breakdown geographical, economical, language, and time-zone barriers. Instead of just sending information out about a holiday, custom, or community that children in your classroom experience, you can have an exchange and receive information back in return about cultural practices, customs, and communities other children experience around the world.

The Global Tools tab provides a page with tech tools you can begin using in your classroom to create global learning experiences for your children and a page with teacher tools to help you, as an educator, connect with other educators around the globe!

The Ideas to Action tab has a page with some getting started tips and resources to help you on your journey to create global learning experiences using technology for the young children in your classroom. The Blog tab has posts about the intersections of early childhood education, technology, and global education.

The creator; Margaret A. Powers is passionate about early childhood education and using technology to connect early childhood educators and classrooms around the globe. She loves exploring new technologies, particularly using social media to share ideas and learn from other educators across the world. You can learn more about Margaret at her website: and she would love to connect with you on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Article 3
Global Education Αnd Language Learning Technology
The Challenge Of Global Education And Language Learning Technology

Economic crisis as far away as Greece have an immediate effect on our stock market. An Ebola outbreak in Africa spreads fear globally and dominates the news. Cyber attacks that cause disruption or compromise information are launched from any location on earth. 

The clothing we wear, the products we buy, and even the food we eat often originates in other countries. Yet many US citizens are insular, unaware of world geography, unable to communicate in languages other than English, and insensitive to cultural differences. Beyond our borders, people in other countries have a distorted view of Americans, shaped by news stories, propaganda, foreign policy decisions, movies, popular music, and even video games.

A significant benefit to instant global communications is that students can improve their language skills through student-to-student conversations regardless of where they live. A global contact network built from having personal conversations with other students around the world will provide lasting benefits throughout the student’s career. Being bilingual is more than being able to read and write in a second language. Communication through speaking is a very important element. They can build contact networks with other students internationally, learn about other cultures, and improve spoken language skills.
Using Online access tools provides many advantages to students including:
  • Choice
  • Pricing
  • User experience
  • Social attraction
  • Safety
  • Privacy
  • Rating

Article 4
Do You Engage in Technology-Supported Global Education Practices in your Classroom?

For those interested, my research team and I here at Indiana University are researching K-12 teacher global education practices. More specifically, we are interested in learning about how primary and secondary teachers are using technology in their instruction to address global and multicultural education. We have designed a survey geared for those involved in global education practices that takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. If you have the time and the inclination, I'd really appreciate your support in getting as many teachers to take this survey as possible!
Thanks so much for any help you might lend. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Article 5
Welcome to GET Website

GET is a global education and technology offshore company aims to provide a complete education and technology solutions provided by best selected international and local partners organizations and sister companies to obtain the optimum.

GET board members code of ethics focus on the added value strategies that empower the education entities and support on the learning leadership transformation to the third millennium education strategies.


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